Josephine County, Oregon

Near Oregon Caves National Monument

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Josephine County Oregon (Class B) BFRO

July 2000

I and my now-ex-husband were hiking the Big Tree Trail after going on the Oregon Caves Tour. We were about midway along in the hike, when we heard a loud, deep call. It came from above us on the hillside, starting at our left. It started faintly, and picked-up volume as passed above us on the hillside, and then faded away. It moved quickly... not as quickly as a bird flies, but far faster than a man travels. It was deep, and the quality was such that it seemed far away, yet was clearly audible. It sounded like, "whuh! whuh! whuh! whuh!" The trail cuts through pretty dense forest, and we couldn't see anything. There were no starts and stops to this repetitive call, no slowing of movement judging by the movement of the sound.

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Got a sighting to report?

Josephine County Oregon (Class A) BFRO

Early morning sighting by a deer hunter near Hugo

It was about 7:15am and overcast but had just stopped raining. I was hunting near Hugo, Oregon. I was about a half a mile from where I parked my vehicle walking on an ATV trail. It was still mostly da...

October 2010

Josephine County Oregon (Class B) BFRO

Father and son hear strange sounds while camping near Oregon Caves

I write this email with a little apprehension of what my son and I heard in late August 2006. My 16 year old son (at the time) and I were on a three day hiking trip in the Siskiyou Mountains of Oregon...

August 2006

Josephine County Oregon (Class B) BFRO

Possible knocking heard by husband and wife while camping on their gold claim in Fiddler Gulch

Maybe nothing, but, my wife and I were camped in Fiddler Gulch, (Lat 42.220218 Lon -123.748328 deg.), over the weekend of June 15th, 2008. Several times we heard what sounded like a branch hitting a t...

January 2008

Josephine County Oregon (Class A) BFRO

Daylight sighting by mother and daughter at the Illinois River outside Cave Junction

I had lived in Indiana for a few years and had returned to Oregon in 2005. I was so excited to be back home; even the air smells sweeter when I got back. I would get in my car and just drive sometimes...

January 2006

Jennings County Indiana (Class A) BFRO

Three friends have close encounter

It was 1:30 am, myself and two friends were cave hunting at Crosley Wildlife Refuge, just walking through the woods. We had walked about a 1/2 a mile off a road, following a small stream. I commented ...

August 2001

Deschutes County Oregon (Class A) BFRO

Two fishermen encounter an unknown biped along a creek

Walking up to a stream to fish for German brown trout, we always try to be quiet as not to scare the fish . As we got around a 90 degree turn in the stream, we both saw what at first was a bear with i...

August 1980

Morgan County Alabama (Class A) BFRO

Daylight sighting by husband and wife near home near Valhermosa Springs

oct 10 2000 valhermosa springs morgan county alabama. I and my husband were driving down cabbage patch, a narrow gravel road near pine thicket, looking for deer when husband said what is that. I looke...

October 2000

Collier County Florida (Class A) BFRO

Daylight sighting of a man-like ape while target shooting in the Big Cypress National Preserve

I was out in the everglades target shooting when I heard something making a lot of noise behind me while I was reloading. When I turned around I say a bipedal ape-like thing looking from behind a tree...

November 2012

Leon County Florida (Class A) BFRO

New Year's Eve, two cousins observe creature watching them

This sighting report was originally submitted by the witness' mother. I contacted the witness and spoke with her about her sighting. She told me that on New Year's Eve, she and her family were at h...

December 2001

Gilchrist County Florida (Class A) BFRO

Night time sighting by motorist near Fanning Springs


November 1998

Rio Arriba County New Mexico (Class A) BFRO

Close range night time sighting by water hauler near Gobernador (on BLM land)

I was in gubnerdor nm rio areba co. it was about 6:30 p.m. and i was in a oil field on blm land. im a water hauler and was heading out to the hiway and got stuck in a ditch. it was at this time that i...

January 2005

Skamania County Washington (Class A) BFRO

Fisherman witnesses bigfoot cross the road in front of his car

We (myself and husband John) met with Don Cox the latter part of March, 1969. He had read the article in the newspaper about the footprints we had found, and called to see if we could get together. We...

March 1969