Jackson County, Oregon

Near Ashland

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Jackson County Oregon (Class B) BFRO

September mid 90s

Several years ago while hunting in southern Oregon on top of Wagner peak just southwest of Ashland Oregon, My father and I happened across A very large almost humon type track in the snow , it appeared to be 14 to 18 inches long ,6 or maybe 7 inches wide , the snow had been melting but it was no humon footprint , there were five distintive toes , and what looked like another heal print about 4 or 5 feet ahead of the other. On other hunting trips I have smelled very foul odor in that general area. And no sign of any wildlife at all . Its been atleast five years sence ive been up there. Its diffacult to give an exact location without showing someone, but its around a mile or two below the peak by trail where i saw the tracks onthe southwest side. However the odors seem to be mostly allways on the southeast side and east side in the heavy timber.

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Jackson County Oregon (Class A) BFRO

While towing trailer to campsite, family has mid-morning road encounter near Butte Falls

My wife, daughter and I were towing our trailer up to a local camp site on a Saturday morning for an overnight campout. I was driving along on the Prospect/Butte Falls highway. I came around a corner ...

July 2004

Jackson County Oregon (Class A) BFRO

Witness observed "thing" walk briskly away

I was deer hunting on the east slope of a very steep hillside & saw movement about 70 yards down & away from me. I started to bring my rifle up but realized it was too dark & tall to be a deer. I saw ...

October 1999

Jackson County Oregon (Class A) BFRO

Two hunters find trackway of a Sasquatch, then witness a partial view Sasquatch as it runs away

My hunting partner Ed and I were into the second week of the Oregon bow season. It was about 0600 when we came upon a stock pond. These ponds are fed by a small spring or small creek. We decided to ci...

January 1988

Jackson County Oregon (Class B) BFRO

Sasquatch evidence near Mount McLoughlin

My Big Foot Sightings over the years. My first introduction to Big Foot was about 1965. A series of articles appeared in the Portland Oregonian, the Salem-Statesman Journal, the San Francisco Chron...

January 1979

Gladwin County Michigan (Class A) BFRO

Man tells of sighting of two creatures while shining for deer near Beaverton

In 1996 or 97 we were spotlighting for deer. When i turned the light on there were two very big objects in the field. both were black with red eyes. watched them for aprox.3 to 5 minutes.They didnt mo...

October 1997

Jennings County Indiana (Class A) BFRO

Three friends have close encounter

It was 1:30 am, myself and two friends were cave hunting at Crosley Wildlife Refuge, just walking through the woods. We had walked about a 1/2 a mile off a road, following a small stream. I commented ...

August 2001

Deschutes County Oregon (Class A) BFRO

Two fishermen encounter an unknown biped along a creek

Walking up to a stream to fish for German brown trout, we always try to be quiet as not to scare the fish . As we got around a 90 degree turn in the stream, we both saw what at first was a bear with i...

August 1980

Morgan County Alabama (Class A) BFRO

Daylight sighting by husband and wife near home near Valhermosa Springs

oct 10 2000 valhermosa springs morgan county alabama. I and my husband were driving down cabbage patch, a narrow gravel road near pine thicket, looking for deer when husband said what is that. I looke...

October 2000

Collier County Florida (Class A) BFRO

Daylight sighting of a man-like ape while target shooting in the Big Cypress National Preserve

I was out in the everglades target shooting when I heard something making a lot of noise behind me while I was reloading. When I turned around I say a bipedal ape-like thing looking from behind a tree...

November 2012

Leon County Florida (Class A) BFRO

New Year's Eve, two cousins observe creature watching them

This sighting report was originally submitted by the witness' mother. I contacted the witness and spoke with her about her sighting. She told me that on New Year's Eve, she and her family were at h...

December 2001

Gilchrist County Florida (Class A) BFRO

Night time sighting by motorist near Fanning Springs


November 1998

Rio Arriba County New Mexico (Class A) BFRO

Close range night time sighting by water hauler near Gobernador (on BLM land)

I was in gubnerdor nm rio areba co. it was about 6:30 p.m. and i was in a oil field on blm land. im a water hauler and was heading out to the hiway and got stuck in a ditch. it was at this time that i...

January 2005